The Genesis Invitational

Torrey Pines Golf Course (South Course)

    Editors' Choice

    2022 Editors' Choice Awards

    September 07, 2022

    Golfers usually are a curious bunch. Entice them with an opportunity to improve their games, and they’ll probably take a look. If this sounds like you, well, you might want to carve out a little extra time in your schedule, because we have plenty of “enticements” you’ll be curious about. This is Year 7 of our annual Editors’ Choice Awards package, offering once again an assortment of products that can help golfers play better, smarter and healthier in 2022. From training aids to game analyzers, fitness equipment to the latest in golf apparel and accessories, our honorees provide you with the tools to become a better golfer. Additionally, we also recognize top destinations and travel-related services in hopes that golf trips will be something we can all enjoy again.






    Editors’ Choice items were reported and written by Stephen Hennessey, Gabrielle Herzig, E. Michael Johnson, Ron Kaspriske, Keely Levins, Madeline MacClurg, Brittany Romano, Matthew Rudy, Rob Sauerhaft and Mike Stachura, with input from our international affiliates.