Photo By: Associated Press
Photo By: AP
Photo By: Associated Press
Photo By: AP
Photo By: AP
Photo By: AP
Photo By: Associated Press
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Ben Hogan
After his final-round 67 at Oakland Hills in 1951: "I'm glad I was finally able to bring this course—this monster—to its knees."
Photo By: Associated Press
Arnold Palmer
To Bob Drum and me at Cherry Hills in 1960 after we'd hustled out to the golf course to witness the rest of his final-round charge (before the round we'd told him that seven strokes were too many to make up): "Fancy seeing you here. Who's winning the Open?"
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Johnny Miller
Tom Weiskopf, laughing after Miller's 63 at Oakmont in 1973: "Johnny Miller? I didn't even know Miller made the cut."
Cary Middlecoff
"Nobody wins the Open; it wins you."
Photo By: Associated Press
Jerry Pate
After winning at Atlanta Athletic Club in 1976: "I've got a 5-iron from the rough on the last hole, but all I did was hit it stiff and make a birdie to win the Open. How about that, sports fans?"
Photo By: AP
Tommy Bolt
The winner at Southern Hills in 1958, claiming to be 39 (he was 42), after hearing an explanation that a Tulsa World story listing him as 49 was a typographical error: "Typographical error, my ass—it was a perfect 4 and a perfect 9."
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Lee Trevino
At Oak Hill in 1968 after being asked what he was going to do with the $30,000 first-place money: "Buy the Alamo and give it back to the Mexicans."
Photo By: AP
Hubert Green
At Southern Hills in 1977 after being notified that a woman had called in a death threat against him: "S---, you don't suppose that it's somebody I've been taking out, do you?"
Photo By: Associated Press
Joe Dey
The USGA's Executive Director, when confronted with a complaint: "You play the course the way you find it."
Bobby Jones
"Nobody ever wins the National Open. Somebody else just loses it."
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