Morgan Hoffmann is channeling his inner Arnold Palmer. The second-year PGA Tour player is 20 hours away from getting his pilot's license.It's a passion he developed as a student at Oklahoma State. Also, Hoffmann's mother, Lorraine, was a flight attendant. "I grew up with my mom traveling all the time, so I'm used to flying around with her," he says.Hoffmann, 25, plans to fly to tournaments—just like Arnie and other pros have done—from his base in Jupiter, Fla. And he'll wing off to other places he likes to go for fun, such as Puerto Rico (zip-lining) or Key West (free diving).
Packing is second nature for Hoffmann, who spends about 42 weeks of the year on the road—and that's just for golf. He says it takes just a few minutes to pack everything you see here.
"I read portions of this book, Living Fully, by Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche, on a daily basis. I visited Nepal a few years ago and met Rinpoche with a college teammate. The trip helped me develop a better awareness of life."
"My trainer, Don Saladino, and I have a theory: Optimal nutrition starts from eating within 30 minutes of waking up. I'll make myself a protein shake with this whey protein powder. It gives me the energy I need."
"Here's a T-shirt from one of my favorite movies, 'The Sandlot.' If it's on TV, I'm watching it. I can quote just about every line from that and 'Anchorman.' My Titleist wedges have quotes stamped on them."
"I've worked the Body Wrench, this tractor-looking contraption, into my daily routine. Whether I'm on the course or at home, using these foam balls helps release any tightness in my glutes, neck or back."
"If you follow me during a practice round, you'll hear music playing. My Bose Bluetooth speaker fits nicely in my golf bag. It pumps me up to play well. I'm a positive person, and so my music helps me stay upbeat."