The Genesis Invitational

Torrey Pines Golf Course (South Course)

    Gruden Grinder

    Kevin Kisner’s NSFW, Jon Gruden-starring hype video for the new PGA Tour season is pure electricity

    October 07, 2021

    Kevin Kisner is one of the funniest guys on tour. He always has a quip or a clapback. He’s witty without being smug and has a personality without being a total weirdo. In fact, the only thing he’s really missing is a signature, career-defining win, but if this hilarious hype video—set to the soothing sounds of Jon Gruden—is any indication, 2022 is finally the year.

    (WARNING: NSFW language, because, you know, Jon Gruden)

    This is toss-a-toaster-in-the-bathtub-level electricity from the honorary Grunden Grinder. When Gruden screams “I WANT BETTER F—KING EXECUTION” as Kisner works on his short game, it sends chills down the spine. When Gruden says “Not a lot of people expect very much from us” as Kisner stripes one down the center of the fairway, the hair on the back of the neck stands up. This is inspiration. This is perspiration. This is the way.

    Now we’re not sure if Vegas (the sportsbooks, not the Raiders) have seen this, but something tells us Kisner’s major odds are about to move big time. At the very least, expect a wire-to-wire Waste Management win or a Sony Open runaway. This is the year of The Kiz. You heard it here first.