Tag Team
Adorable clip shows caddie Joe LaCava notifying Tiger Woods of young fan's 'Bucket List' poster
On Saturday, Tiger Woods made young Madelyn Quinn's day, month and year when he went over and signed her "My Bucket List" poster, checking off the "Meet Tiger Woods" box. It was another touching display of Woods' softer side, which he deserves credit for continuing to show in his old age.
However, some of the credit should go to Woods' longtime caddie Joe LaCava, who noticed Quinn's poster in the crowd and notified Woods behind the 17th green. LaCava had a marker and a glove ready, too, like the top-level caddie he is.
Check out the adorable clip from another fan on hand who captured the moment:
Some people think caddying is just lugging the bag, reading a few putts and pacing off some yardages. But it's also about being keenly aware of your surroundings, especially when you're caddying for Woods, who has understandably gone his whole career trying to keep his head down to block out the noise. And there's a lot of noise everywhere he goes. No one would have blamed him if he never noticed Quinn and her poster on his way to the 18th tee. But thanks to LaCava, Woods was able to do the right thing. Strong tag-team effort, resulting in a really cool moment for everyone involved.
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