When In Doubt, Laugh
Being a cartoonist for the past 30 years or so, and a golfer for, oh, a good 10 times that long, I possess the unique ability to help anyone, world-renowned pro or struggling hacker, to raise the level of his or her game. My teaching philosophy is a simple one: Learn to laugh at your game.—Danny ShanahanBeing a cartoonist for the past 30 years or so, and a golfer for, oh, a good 10 times that long, I possess the unique ability to help anyone, world-renowned pro or struggling hacker, to raise the level of his or her game. My teaching philosophy is a simple one: Learn to laugh at your game.—Danny Shanahan
"Researchers say I'm not happier for being richer, but do you know how much researchers make?"
"Well, now that the kids have grown up and left I guess I'll be shoving along, too."
"Your grip's all wrong, you're moving your head, and your leg pump is a total disaster!"
"Yes, sir, Dave. Out here, under the big sky, I always get back in touch with who I am."
"Let's let them play through."
"I give him two more minutes. Then I say so much for telekinesis!"
"Are you sure it can't wait? I'm in rather a hurry."
"I preferred the Old Testament God."
"Go with two-iron, Kemosabe -- distance in desert not what it seems."
"I support our troops as much as the next guy, but do we have to let them play through?"
"So youcantake it with you!"
"Maybe it would be more fun with a smaller hole."
"Just let me tap this in, Greg, then you can putt out."
"By George, do you know what I'm going to do?I'm going to teach you how to play golf!""By George, do you know what I'm going to do?I'm going to teach you how to play golf!"
"Like so?""Like so?"
"Gotta run, sweetheart. By the way, that was one fabulous job you did raising the children.""Gotta run, sweetheart. By the way, that was one fabulous job you did raising the children."
"Would you mind picking me up, Bill?Agnes is using the car after all.""Would you mind picking me up, Bill?Agnes is using the car after all."
"Is that what they teach you at caddie school, boy?How to stare at people?""Is that what they teach you at caddie school, boy?How to stare at people?"
"Oh, no! Golf-ball-sized hail!""Oh, no! Golf-ball-sized hail!"
"It's a poor workman, Malcolm, who blames his tools.""It's a poor workman, Malcolm, who blames his tools."
"There now, wouldn't it have been silly of me to concede that putt?""There now, wouldn't it have been silly of me to concede that putt?"