So Bad It's Good
Watch Northwestern and Georgetown combine for the most Northwestern-Georgetown sequence in D-1 basketball history
Alright, let’s get this out of the way right from the start: Northwestern and Georgetown are not good basketball teams. The Wildcats have posted five straight losing seasons. Georgetown won six whole games last year and didn’t fire head coach Patrick Ewing. On their own, they are god awful. Joyless. Soulless. Hopeless. Together, however, they are a cosmic, technicolor vortex of dog sh*t, which is, of course, worse, but in its own twisted way, so, so much better. Don’t believe us? Just check out this sequence from the first half of last night’s otherwise unwatchable loser-fest. Take it way, guys.
We’ve seen some truly abysmal college basketball in recent years—hell, we all survived Virginia winning a national championship—but this is up down there with the best worst of it. In fact, this bears a closer resemblance to a rugby scrum than the free-flowing game of college basketball we used to know and used to love. There’s two chaotic boundary saves, a loose-ball scramble, at least a couple of turnovers, a blocked layup, and a D-1 guard fumbling the only good pass of the entire sequence out of bounds on a wide-open breakaway. The only thing this is missing is a guy tripping on his own shoelaces and flying into a full bucket of popcorn like some Looney Toon reject.
Anyhoo, in the end the Hoyas lost by 12, but I think we can all agree that the real loser on Tuesday night was the game of basketball.