Check Yourself
Larry Fitzgerald once made a hole-in-one while playing with Barack Obama but couldn’t celebrate because of the Secret Service
OK, time for a personal question: Have you hit a hole-in-one? If your answer is yes, congratulations, you lousy schmuck. Now think back to your reaction. Did you go nuts? Did you bounce like a pogo stick, bark at the moon and wave your arms like one of those wacky inflatable arm-flailing tube men? We hope you did. In fact, we hope you made the biggest fool out of yourself possible and don’t feel a single iota of shame, because that’s exactly what you’re supposed to do after bagging golf’s most elusive prey.
Unfortunately former Arizona Cardinals wide receiver, surefire Hall-of-Famer and fellow golf addict Larry Fitzgerald didn’t have the same luxury back in 2019, when he aced the 13th hole at Seminole Golf Club while playing with former president Barack Obama (perhaps you’ve heard of him). It’s an almost unbelievable feat, but as Fitzgerald told Fore Play this week, he didn’t even get to celebrate his one-of-a-kind one. After watching his fateful 8-iron hold against the wind, land softly and trickle in, Fitzgerald looked up to find a small army of Secret Service agents, guns on their hips, watching him like a hawk. Talk about a buzzkill.
Don't get us wrong, hitting an ace while playing a top-15 course with "44" (as Fitzgerald calls him) is still pretty good, but it would have been a lot sweeter if he had pulled a sharpie out of his sock and signed the ball a la Joey Horn or hit the salsa like Victor Cruz. Hell, it might have even been worth getting tased over. Still though, we respect Fitzgerald for his monk-like restraint. Can you imagine if T.O. or Ochocinco would have been out there? Bullets would have been flying.