Special Deliveries
The golf postcard was once an affordable, efficient way for golfers to share a place, a time or a memory.
Grove Park Inn, Asheville, N.C.
Carmel Beach from Pebble Beach Golf Links.
Lincoln Park Golf Club, San Francisco.
13th hole of the Sea Island GC, Sea Island, Georgia.
Mourne Mountains from Golf Links, Newcastle County Down, Northern Ireland
Brooklawn Country Club, Bridgeport, CT.
View of tower and putting green, Poland Spring House, South Poland, Me.
Thunderbird G.C. near Palm Springs, Calif.
Santa Barbara Country Club, Calif.
Cypress Point Club, Pebble Beach, Calif.
Pasatiempo Golf Course, Santa Cruz, Calif.
Eleventh Green, No. 1 Course, Belleair, Florida.
Augusta Country Club, Georgia.
Hollywood Country Club Golf Course, Hollywood By-the-Sea, Florida.
Griffith Park, Los Angeles, Calif.
Humorous card, circa 1939.
I.B.M. Country Club, Endicott, N.Y.
UCLA, Los Angeles, Calif.
Golf Links, Raymond Hotel, Pasadena, Calif.
Golf at Southern Pines, N.C. (early 20th century)