Sh*tty Father of the Year shoves son to the ground to make youth soccer save

Now that the Little League baseball brawls have dried up, we here at The Loop have been searching for some fresh parenting content to share with you. Recently we shared the Brees family bedtime routine, but now we've found something even better (and by better we mean much, much worse): AWelsh U-8 soccer dad literally shoving his child to the ground to make a save because his son was too distracted by him hovering two-feet behind his goal to pay attention to the oncoming shot:
If you're wondering why millennials have stopped having kids, this guy is the reason. The scary part isn't making more children. It's making more parents. Parents like this unfulfilled hardo who has nothing better to do than project his own failures on his 1st-grade son. To make matters worse, the other team—whose striker is definitely not U-8 btw, someone should look into this—scored on the rebound anyway. That's what you get for being a [English colloquialism that is not socially acceptable to say Stateside].
Anyway, here's hoping someone spoiled this kid to death after the game and that he grows up to be a professional ballet dance or something else super successful that will eat at his father from the inside out everyday for the rest of his life. But whatever you do, kid, don't be a goalie. That's your dad's dream and you DEFINITELY don't want to grow up to be him.