
The Fireballs are dead, long live the Fireballs

June 28, 2022

The shake ups just won’t stop! It’s been a topsy, turvy, tipsy, downright drunken couple of months in the wide world of golf. The PGA Tour finally has some competition and they’ve responded by pulling their knees up to their chest and hyperventilating in the corner. Said competition is a blood-money backed golf exhibition seemingly marketed by and for 13-year-olds featuring some of the biggest washed-up names on the planet. And as if all that weren’t enough, we now have another seismic rumble in the tectonic plates beneath Everywhere C.C.:

The Fireballs are dead, long live the Fireballs.

On Monday night ahead of LIV Golf’s second stop at Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club in Portland, Fireballs skipper Sergio Garcia took to Instagram not only to hawk discount tickets to the marquee, can’t-miss event of the summer, but also announce that the Fireballs—fresh off a second-to-last-place finish at LIV Golf’s inaugural London tournament—would be changing their logo and name after just a few glorious weeks of existence. Rest in power Fireballs, we hardly knew ye.

But while the impending Fireballs pivot is yet another plunge in the ongoing rollercoaster for golf fans, it’s status quo in the broader sports world where rebrands are hotter than Hansel. We have the Commanders in Washington and the Guardians in Cleveland. The clock absolutely has to be ticking on the Blackhawks in Chicago. Were the Fireballs deemed offensive to the spicy cinnamon candy community? Was Garcia’s agent like “hey amigo, maybe we steer clear of the whole ‘I have a violent temper on the course!’ thing”? We may never know the whole truth, but one thing is certain:

When the Fireballs' new name and logo are announced, we’ll be first in line for the discounted merch.