The Tartan Army
Scotland fans turned London into their own personal frat house ahead of their massive Euro 2020 match against England

Rob Pinney
The last time Scotland were in a major international soccer tournament, it was a different century. 1998 to be exact. Those red phone booths were for more than just decoration and David Beckham was but a twinkle in bitter rival England’s eye. But that was then and this is now, and after 23 years, Scotland have officially returned to the big stage at Euro 2020. Things haven't exactly gone to plan—they were vanquished by a Patrick Schick worldie during their first match of the group stage—but that hasn't bothered the Tartan Army one bit, literally taking over London ahead of their YUGGGGGE showdown with England on Friday. WARNING: Some of the footage you are about to see could be disturbing to children law-abiding adults.
And those are just semi-clothed highlights. The incursion truly began on Thursday night when the Scottish contingent arrived in London with kilts on and smoke bombs smoking.
From there they flooded into Leicester Square in such numbers (and in such fine voice) that London police eventually had to issue a dispersal order to break up the throng.
Want more? Oh there’s more.
England are the fourth-ranked team in the world. Scotland the 44th, sandwiched between Romania and Jamaica. Scotland are +950 to win. England -340. But forget all that. The Tartan Army by a million. On second thought, make that a billion.