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    QUIZ: Can you tell these fake college football bowl games from their real-life counterparts?

    November 29, 2018
    Screen Shot 2018-11-29 at 12.59.51 PM.png

    The craziest thing about college football isn't the CFP. It's not the parade of batshit be-mulleted coaches nor their scroll-like recruiting violation rap sheets. It's not even Gus Johnson howling at the moon every time Iowa hits a seven-yard slant. It's the patently ridiculous bowl game names, which continue, with each passing year (and potential advertiser), to blur reality and parody into a single ironic smear. In that absurdist spirit, we mixed up 15 2018 bowl games—some real and some very, very fake—to put your CFB knowledge to the test. Think you can still tell the TaxSlayer Gator Bowl from the Comedy Central East-West Bowl? We'd like to see you try, hot shot (no, seriously.)

    Answer key at bottom

    1. Draft Kings Atlantic City Bowl

    2. Bad Boy Mowers Gasparilla Bowl

    3. Applebee’s Eatin’ Good in the Neighborhood Bowl

    BYU v Utah

    Gene Sweeney Jr.

    4. Tropical Smoothie Cafe Frisco Bowl

    5. Cheez-It Bowl

    6. Hooters Reno Bowl

    7. South Central Louisiana Bourbon Bowl

    LSU v Texas A&M

    Bob Levey

    8. San Diego County Credit Union Holiday Bowl

    9. Dodge Ram Hanukkah Bowl

    10. Redbox Bowl

    11. Franklin American Mortgage Music City Bowl

    12. Don’t Mess With Texas Bowl

    USC v Texas

    Tim Warner

    13. Bowl of Heart Healthy Cheerios Bowl

    14. Cheribundi Boca Raton Bowl

    15. I Can See Russia From My House Alaska Bowl


    1. Draft Kings Atlantic City Bowl - Fake

    2. Bad Boy Mowers Gasparilla Bowl - Real

    3. Applebee’s Eatin’ Good in the Neighborhood Bowl - Fake

    4. Famous Idaho Potato Bowl - Real

    5. Cheez-It Bowl - Real

    6. Chipotle Burrito Bowl - Fake

    7. South Central Louisiana Bourbon Bowl - Fake

    8. San Diego County Credit Union Holiday Bowl - Real

    9. Money Mutual Hanukkah Bowl - Fake

    10. Servpro First Responder Bowl - Real

    11. Franklin American Mortgage Music City Bowl - Real

    12. Don’t Mess With Texas Bowl - Fake

    13. Nintendo Super Smash Bros. Bowl - Fake

    14. Cheribundi Boca Raton Bowl - Real

    15. Kodiak Chew Alaska Bowl - Fake