It Gives You Wings
San Francisco Giants’ Game 5 starter Logan Webb drinks a disturbing amount of Red Bull on game days
We are mere hours away from one of the most anticipated baseball games in years, when the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Francisco Giants—bitter rivals facing each other in the postseason for the very first time—will square off in a winner-take-all Game 5. An NLCS berth is on the line. Bragging rights are up for grabs. The nerves will certainly be jangling, but for Giants ace (and scheduled Game 5 starter) Logan Webb, it’s won't be because of the moment. It will just be the Red Bull.
Holy heart attack, Batman. Webb revealed his little habit to NBC Sports' Alex Pavlovic on Wednesday, and while the “three Red Bull” headline is crazy enough on its own, we promise you it gets even more intense.
“He drinks three Red Bulls before every start,” Pavlovic writes. “One right before he gets to the field, one before he starts stretching with a trainer, and then one as he finishes his warmup pitches in the bullpen.”
So let's get this straight: Instead of kicking the day off with a breakfast bull, nursing one over lunch, and then downing one for one last jolt of juice before heading to the mound, Webb crushes all three in a matter of hours before first pitch. That is A LOT of electricity hitting the grid at once.
Not that Webb will need the extra kick tonight when he steps to mound for the first pitch some time around 9:07 p.m. ET. Tune in to see if his heart can handle it.