WM Phoenix Open

TPC Scottsdale (Stadium Course)

    Wedding Crasher

    Poor S.O.B. shanks chip in front of entire wedding reception, gets showed up by groom

    July 09, 2024

    It’s the peak of summer, so that means exactly two things are happening down at your local country club: Golf and weddings. Lots and lots of weddings. Usually these two things are kept separate for obvious reasons—the last thing a new bride wants is her husband catching the golf bug—but occasionally they collide in hilarious and unexpected ways.

    One golfer recently learned that lesson the hard way after his approach shot flew off-line, coming to a rest in the middle of a nearby wedding reception. That left him with a near impossible chip down the hill and over several greenside bunkers with a bunch open bar-bombed wedding goers watching on like it was the 16th hole at the Phoenix Open. What happened next was all but an inevitability.

    The poor bastard never stood a chance. You can even hear a guest mutter “look at that stance!” moments before his yellow ball glances off the clubface, trickling three yards to the right. It’s one of the toughest scenes imaginable and it got even tougher when the groom came jogging over, three-piece suit and all, to show him how it’s done. On the bright side, if you’re going to get showed up at a wedding, it might as well be by the groom.