The Genesis Invitational

Torrey Pines Golf Course (South Course)


    Golf-themed New Jersey bar takes a lickin', keeps on tickin'

    August 07, 2018

    Something tells us The Original Mulligan's Restaurant & Grill, located just off Squankum Road in beautiful Farmingdale, New Jersey, isn't the swankiest establishment on earth. It probably smells funky, has sticky floors, and serves the burgers well done just to be safe. But what ol' Mulligan's lacks in charm, it more than make up for with grit. Don't believe us? Well on Sunday, the popular local dive was hit by a freakin' car and it didn't miss a beat, staying open despite the Volkswagen wedged in its entrance.

    Talk about grinding for par, amirite? The Squankum Fire Company (great band name, guys) responded to the scene of the accident a little after 3pm, finding the driver uninjured and the building as structurally sound as it was before the accident, which is to say good enough. Mulligan's reopened, minus one vestibule, in time for patrons to watch JT clinch at Firestone over some wings and Springsteen. God bless America and seat belts, amen.