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Floyd Mayweather’s new Beverly Hills mansion is just as ridiculous as you’d expect

September 19, 2017

One hundred and eighty million dollars. That’s how much Floyd Mayweather pocketed for taking down Conor McGregor in last month’s much ballyhooed bout. After (presumably) paying the IRS the $22 million he owed them, how did The Man They Call Money splurge? On a $25 million dollar estate that's just as unapologetic as he is, of course.

According to Trulia, the palatial retirement home—located in Beverly Hills because obviously— features six bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, a cocktail bar, a private cinema with its own concession bar and a separate guest house. Mayweather will still probably spend more time zipping back and forth between bookies aboard some gold-trimmed NetJet than he will at his new bachelor pad, but as these photos prove, when he’s not wheels-up, he’ll be living large in the lingerie-clad lap of luxury.


So how's Floyd enjoying his new digs so far? Well, according to Instagram, it looks like he's already getting his, well, money's worth.