Farmers Insurance Open

Torrey Pines Golf Course (South Course)


    Chicago Cubs fan orders sweet custom jersey, accidentally puts credit card number in name field

    May 14, 2019

    OK, we are going to preface this whole thing with the universal internet disclaimer: What you see below may not be strictly real. This custom Chicago Cubs jersey "accidentally" featuring the buyer's credit card number on the back actually exists and belongs to real person who posted to it to their real Twitter account. That much we know. The owner of said jersey, Dan White, claims he accidentally entered his card number in the name field while ordering his sweet custom uni, but his Twitter bio also says he's a comedian so you can't really trust anything he says.

    Our gut says this is a fun little stunt drummed up to generate that hot engagement (2,005 likes and 334 retweets at the time of writing.) After all, no sane person would post their actual credit card number on Twitter for everyone to see. You may as well get your security code tattooed on your forehead. Then again, the wells of human stupidity are dark and deep and this certainly seems within the realm of possibility.

    Luckily for Dan here, his Cubbies are streaking, winning 11 of their last 13 to claim a two and a half game lead in the NL Central. When your team is winning like that, you could print "KICK ME" on the back and still have a great time, so something tells us he'll be just long as he remembers to cancel that card, that is.