Third-Degree Burns
Brad Marchand compliments new Bruins Pooh Bear jerseys by eviscerating his own teammates' looks
Over the years, we've piled on the Brad Marchand Hate Train, one he keeps running full speed ahead with his extremely tiresome antics. But two things have become undeniable when it comes to the Boston Bruins' legendary rat: 1. he's an all-time great goal-scorer, and 2. he's actually hilarious when he's not licking and/or slew-footing opponents.
Case in point, Marchand's elite one-liner that was making the rounds on Monday night. The Bruins unveiled their "Pooh Bear" reverse retro jerseys and, even as a Bruins hater myself, they are hot hot heat.
Prior to puck drop, Marchand joined NESN reporter Andrew Raycroft for an interview, and Raycroft had to ask - what do you think of the new threads? Marchand, who can chirp with the best of 'em, proceeded to chirp his own teammates in praise of the sweater:
Perfect. No notes. I'm kind of beginning to like this guy now. Who have I become?