Bangers Only
Announcer works in 'YOWZA' and 'HUM DIDDLY DEE' while calling very average Miles Bridges dunk
In the three-plus seasons he's been in the NBA, Miles Bridges has put together a resume of thunderous, posterizing dunks that could go toe-to-toe with the resumes of the best dunkers in NBA history. This alley oop Bridges received from Terry Rozier on Wednesday night won't be making said resume, but that didn't stop Charlotte Hornets play-by-play announcer Eric Collins from calling it like it was Vince Carter over Frederic Weis.
Of course, that's kinda Collins' thing. Last April, Collins and Bridges teamed up for the NBA highlight of the season with the famous "MY MIND IS BLOWN" slam. Collins, much like Gus Johnson, is going to scream his head off more often than not, while other announcers might pick their spots more carefully.
That said, we're not complaining, especially when Collins somehow weaves in "YOWZAAAA" and "HUM DIDDLY DEE!" seconds apart while calling this somewhat average Bridges dunk. Actually, let's be honest, it's very average, the type of dunk Bridges could pull off in his sleep. But Collins' call made it special enough that it's already garnered over a half a million views on social media:
Honestly, what makes this so impressive is the fact that it wasn't the best pass from Rozier, and Bridges was still able to haul it in and finish. Perhaps that was what Collins was reacting to, or he was gearing up for a truly monstrous flush and Rozier's pass screwed things up. Doesn't matter now. Great call, OK dunk. No one's mad about it.
Funny thing is, Collins seemingly alreay used his best call of the night a quarter earlier:
Not bad, not bad. Yowza and hum diddly dee in a landslide, though.