It's Not for Everyone
-- BUTCH HARMON, No. 1 on Golf Digest's 50 Greatest Teachers in AmericaPLUMMER / The explanation of the swing is what's different about Stack & Tilt, not necessarily the actual swing mechanics. Players for generations have demonstrated some of these principles. Yes, Mac O'Grady has taught some of the pieces we include in Stack & Tilt, as have many other teachers. Golf instruction has lost sight of what has made the best swings in history work: Hogan's reverse tilt at the top, Nicklaus' steady head, Snead's straight right leg on the backswing.As to fundamentals, there should be a comprehensive system of measuring the variables of a swing. If a way of measuring everyone objectively is a system, then this is definitely a system.
It Makes the Swing Too Steep
-- MIKE BENDER, No. 10PLUMMER / Most amateurs come into the ball with too shallow of a descent and too often hit the ball with an ascending blow. Most of the golfers who come to me are shifting to their back foot and then getting stuck there. As a result, their descent is shallow, with the low point behind the ball. This problem prevents them from taking divots at or in front of the ball. The main reason this happens is the center is behind the ball at impact. Stacking the tilt is the first step to getting the descent steep enough.
Are the Positions Accurate?
-- JIM McLEAN, No. 4PLUMMER / Yes, there should be lateral motion in the swing, but not away from the target. The lateral shift of the hips on the downswing should be fast and full. However, lateral motion away from the target limits the player's ability to get to the front side at impact.As for the head not being a stationary post, look at some of the best golfers of all time, such as Hogan, Snead and Nicklaus--their heads never moved off the ball on the backswing. You're trying to hit a stationary object, and moving your head is like moving the ball. Plus, it's not necessary. Here's a quote from Nicklaus in a recent article in Golf World: "I don't believe in a lateral shift. I believe in staying on the ball."
Will Lead to Back Problems
-- RALPH SIMPSON, Physical Therapist, 12 years in the PGA Tour fitness trailerBENNETT / Not a single player has complained to us about back pain. A lot of times their backs feel better after they switch. We've been told by orthopedics and physical therapists that the hips pushing forward and upward reduces the amount of lumbar stress created by rotation and lead-knee stress due to sheer force. We're saying stand up, extend, stretch--that's better for the back than twisting.
You Better Be Physically Gifted
-- TOM NESS, No. 48PLUMMER / Golfers don't have a problem doing it; teachers have a problem explaining it. The bottom line is, if you don't thrust your hips through impact, the angle of descent is too steep and the player will struggle to hit the ball solidly.