The Genesis Invitational

Torrey Pines Golf Course (South Course)


    World's longest, tallest, fastest dive rollercoaster to soil pants in 2019

    August 15, 2018
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    According to a recent Slack survey, the vast majority of Loop staffers are vehemently anti-rollercoaster. Apparently the golf website doesn't like adrenaline pumping, eye socket-exploding excitement. Go figure. They, however, are all COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY WRONG and I will shout it from the top of Yukon Striker—the new longest, tallest, fastest dive coaster on earth—if I must. Behold the insanity, fellow masochists.

    Set to be Canada Wonderland's 17th coaster when it premieres next year, the Yukon Striker features a 90-degree vertical drop, a quartet of stomach-emptying inversions, a top speed of over 80 miles and hour, and a 245-foot plunge into an underwater tunnel (thus the whole "dive coaster" thing). Perhaps most notable for coaster fanatics, however, is its whopping 3 minute and 25 second ride time, winding, looping, and soaring across 3,625 feet of Ontario sky.

    Other traumatizing trinkets include a floor-less coaster design and an excruciating three-second stall at the top of the marquee drop, which looks like this, in case you're wondering A. how badly you need to ride thing or B. how desperately you don't want to.

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    Before planning next summer's coaster pilgrimage, check out more info (and a full ride simulation) here. Nancy co-workers need not apply.