Wesley Bryan's junk food passion is an inspiration to us all

Ryan Young
According to Pawnee dietitian Andy Dwyer, the food that you eat becomes energy. Astonishing, I know. Which is why most athletes maintain a strict regimen when it comes to their eating habits.
I emphasize most, as this video from Wesley Bryan testifies to a slightly different lifestyle.
Bryan, who's won four times in the past 14 months (including his first career PGA Tour title at Hilton Head), sat down with the tour to detail his affinity for junk food, a passion that's an inspiration to us all:
I don't speak about dear friends in the same reverence as Bryan does towards Cook Out's Cheerwine Float.
Suppose this isn't the biggest surprise; after all, Bryan celebrated his RBC Heritage win with a trip to Taco Bell. But it's a welcomed sight to all weekend warriors, proof that you can achieve athletic excellence eating nothing but high-octane crap.