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    U.S. Open fan caught dipping her chicken fingers in soda takes reign of terror to MSG

    November 06, 2018
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    Remember the halcyon of days of early September, when the late summer sun beat down on the Billie Jean King Tennis Center and poor Alexa Greenfield was caught on camera going full Costanza (NEVER go full Costanza) by dipping her chicken tenders in a large, cool glass of Coke? Remember how she went viral—how the masses peeled back in disgust until she was finally forced to publicly address the whole debacle? Well, now Alexa is back and she's bringing her reign of culinary terror to the most famous arena on earth. If you are faint of heart or stomach, you might want to look away.

    (And for reference...)

    OK, so it probably goes without saying, but Alexa—at least the MSG iteration, but there's no telling how deep this conspiracy goes—is a plant; nothing more than a fun little viral stunt cooked up the New York Knicks to keep people talking about the New York Knicks while they slide deeper and deeper into irrelevancy. Alexa pulls it off well, of course. There's just enough genuine surprise. There's authentic blushing and feigned embarrassment. She even blows a kiss to the camera. It's all really well done. So well done that we wouldn't be surprised to find that Alexa was an aspiring actress and that her agent set this whole thing up. Again, this rabbit hole could lead all the way back to Nixon for all we know. JUST KEEP DIGGING, AMERICA.

    In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled for 20-something brunettes dunking strips of fried chicken in souvenir cups at Yankee Stadium, Citi Field, MetLife Stadium, and Barclays Center in the coming months. Who knows where this junk food agitator may show up next.