Twitter properly roasted the horrendous intro of the NBA All-Star Game
If you tuned in to see the supposed 8:20 p.m. tip of the NBA All-Star Game on Sunday, well, you were left asking "what the hell am I watching right now?" And I'm not talking about either team playing defense. No, what NBA fans witnessed was an abomination of epic proportions, as the game's intro ran about 40 minutes (39 minutes and 59 seconds too long), featuring appearances that no one asked for from Kevin Hart, Rob Riggle and Fergie, who sang one of the worst renditions of the National Anthem since Roseann Barr at that Padres game in 1990.
I'd love to go on a 1,000 word diatribe of my own and tear the intro to shreds, but, as is tradition, Twitter did it way better, properly roasting the comically-bad intro with enough material to sift through for hours. We begin with Kevin hart, who weirdly introduced all the players with cringeworthy joke after cringeworthy joke as we all begged for it to end, but it seemingly never did. Here's a little taste in case you missed it:
Yikes. On to the roasting ...
RELATED: Why you're definitely going to $ee more defen$e in this year'$ NBA All-$tar Game (Hint: $$)
If only Francesa was still on the radio to give his actual thoughts on Monday..
Just when you thought you had watched the most awkward thing ever, Fergie rolled in and remixed the National Anthem. Wish I was exaggerating:
Naturally, the internet let her have it:
Full circle! Just another great night to be on Twitter, which can be a dumpster fire and the greatest app ever all in a 24-hour period.