
Tony Romo might have actual nightmares after he fell victim to the ole fake snake prank

October 17, 2019

Snakes are most golfers' worst nightmare. Depending on wherever you play most of your golf, it's a possibility that one of these sneaky reptiles could be a menace on the golf course. That's why we've sort of grown to resent the Instagram account "@hissalot," which consists of a guy going around with a fake snake and planting it near golfers' carts, scaring the crap out of them. He has more than 58,000 followers. What a world!

We wouldn't have expected former quarterback turned amateur golfer wunderkind Tony Romo to find his way onto the account. Our guy Deron Williams, former NBA star and a huge golfer (and Golf Digest course-ranking panelist ... sneaky plug), posted a video of Romo playing at Maridoe Golf Club in Dallas, where Romo's group got him to fall victim to the fake snake. It's worth the watch:

How about those ups from Romo? We would've reacted the same way if we thought a snake was about to pounce on the course.

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There's nothing funny about a real snake attacking on the golf course. But we can laugh about a fake snake. So well played, @hissalot and D-Will. Thanks for the content and scaring Romo a little bit. We're wondering how well (or poorly) Romo recovered after seeing the fake snake.