
Tommy Fleetwood had the perfect reaction to hearing Ryder Cup buddy Francesco Molinari is moving

July 02, 2020


After seeing Francesco Molinari and Tommy Fleetwood be so dominant and inseparable during the 2018 Ryder Cup in France—to the point of filming a hilarious "morning after" video in bed together—it might shock some golf fans to learn they don't actually live together. Both, in fact, have their own families. And now the two European stars won't even be living in the same continent.

MOLIWOOD is heading to Holywood. Well, the first part of Moliwood, that is. And not necessarily to Holywood, but to somewhere in California as announced on Twitter Thursday morning.

Not surprisingly, the news left Fleetwood feeling a little blue:

Poor guy. Someone should really check on him.

But Molinari responded with a joke about their famed viral video to lighten the mood:

So good luck with the move, Frankie. And cheer up, Tommy. You'll always have Paris. And the 2020 Ryder Cup. Well, whenever it gets played.