This designer gave modern NHL stars some sweet vintage salad and we can't get enough
Here in the Northern Hemisphere, it's the dead of summer. The last thing that should be on our minds is a bunch of dudes who say "about" kind of funny zinging around a sheet of ice on lace-up razor blades. Bikini season and whether or not Tiger can make a run at Bellerive? Sure, but not hockey. Anything but hockey.
And yet, here we are, dreaming of cool nights and center ice fights...and it's all Joey Tang's fault. Joey is a designer and, from the looks of things, a pretty damn good one. This week he teamed up with BarDown (think The Loop, only with gravy on their fries) to launch a series of mockey cards that feature today's biggest stars rocking flow and facial hair plucked straight out of Doc Brown's DeLorean, and we are unsurprisingly obsessed. Get a load of these apples, Warhol:
Joey Tang
Joey Tang
Joey Tang
Joey Tang
Joey Tang
Joey Tang
Joey Tang
Joey Tang
Joey Tang
Joey Tang
If that isn't enough glorious freakin' eye candy for you, Joey also recently completed a Toronto Raptors retro series, but needless to say, some of those haven't aged so well: