
Samsung debuted a 219-inch TV at CES and we're drooling about watching The Masters on it

January 10, 2019

CES 2019 is in full swing, gracing Las Vegas Convention Center and the internet alike with more tech gadgets than you can shake Alexa at. There's been crazy BMW x North Face campers, anti-aging skin printers, and a corral of new Google home goodies, but the internet's favorite device is, perhaps unsurprisingly, something old delivered in a whole new way:

Samsung's Godzilla-dwarfing 219-inch flatscreen TV dubbed "The Wall."


Measuring in at a whopping 18-feet wide, "The Wall" employs microLED technology, which creates a brighter picture with less energy than traditional TVs. If that sounds like the perfect recipe for the best Masters viewing party ever, then let's just say great minds think alike. Needless to say, if you thought those green jackets and pink Azaleas popped before, just wait until you have Starship Enterprise's windshield propped up your living room.

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Justin Sullivan

Unlike most giant TVs, however, "The Wall" is designed not to dominate your living, but complement it. So instead of creating a massive blackhole above the fireplace when you turn it off, Samsung will enable users to display photos of artwork (or Tiger's stinger traj) on its massive, edgeless surface.

If this all seems like overkill to you A. live a little and B. don't worry. Samsung has also unveiled a modular 75-inch version, which will allow users to add and subtract panels at will to create a variety of viewing surfaces and shapes. In other words, cancel that flight to Augusta, because now you can pretty much be there and not even have to put on pants.