Tales From the Gronk
This story about Rob Gronkowski faking his offseason workouts might be the greatest Gronk Tale ever told

James Gilbert
This spring, Tom Brady blew into his magical conch and Rob Gronkowski came running. Nevermind the fact that Brady was no longer a Patriot or that a few months earlier Gronk could be seen, tears streaming down his face, talking about how football had sucked all the joy out of his life. When Tommy calls, you pick up the phone, and so Gronk did.
We all know how that has worked out. Tom n’ Gronk stayed healthy and now the Buccaneers are headed to the Super Bowl, but none of it would have been possible if it weren’t for a little scheme Gronk cooked up to lighten the load during the NFL's virtual offseason . . .
We don’t want to go over the deep end here, but in the long, sordid history of Gronk Tales, this might be the greatest. Gronk is broadly viewed as the NFL’s lovable village idiot, but stories like this make you realize there’s a little more going on under the hood than meets the eye. Sure, Gronk still had to run all those sprints, but he got them all out of the way in one day so he could spend the rest of the summer Waboing in Cabo. That’s just an efficient use of time. Plus, from the sounds of things, he even managed to pull the t-shirt (ahem) over Bruce Arians eyes.
Will Gronk’s legs be fresher than Travis Kelce’s thanks to this summer subterfuge? Will he turn back the clock on Sunday and lead the Buccaneers to their SECOND (yes, we can hardly believe it either) Super Bowl title of the last twenty years? We'll have to tune in on Sunday to find out.