Porn site offers Joe Buck $1 million to announce videos, Buck has perfect response
Last month, during a radio interview, Joe Buck revealed that he had received "quite a few" NSFW videos for him to do play-by-play for on Twitter. Not surprisingly, Buck passed, saying that maybe he'd get around to doing that later in his life. But everybody has a price, don't they?
Actually, thankfully, no, they do not. At least Buck doesn't. According to Darren Rovell, a porn site offered Buck $1 million to announce its cam shows live, which is not a sentence I could ever dream of typing when I chose journalism as a college major. And by dream I mean having the worst nightmare one could possibly have:
What an absolutely wild offer, which, according to TMZ, was for just six weeks of work. What site is it, you ask? Go find out for yourself, you sickos.
Buck turned down the offer with an absolutely perfect response on Twitter:
Joe Buck. Big porn guy. Noted.
Sports Illustrated's Jimmy Traina reached out to Buck for a quote, and the FOX announcer said he's "never been more flattered," and that he would consider it if there was an open audition and Jim Nantz, Mike Tirico, Al Michaels and others were involved. Fortunately for all of us, that's not going to happen. That doesn't mean you are not stuck with the image of Buck calling adult films in your head. Enjoy that.