Pitch-invading Good Dog delivers best press conference interview by an animal ever
Thanks to the internet’s curious ability to turn even the most cherished human moments into over-saturated slogs, the singular charm of animal field invasions has diminished in recent years. Sure, the Cardinals’ rally cat put up a good fight—and who can forget Manu’s bat?—but these days the sight of a [probably terrified] animal running the basepaths or juking up the sideline is about as entertaining as whatever 3-3 Big Ten slug fest they’re interrupting.
Or at least that was the case until yesterday, when Didier Dogba mistook a professional Argentina soccer match for a fun game of pop-this-ball-with-my-mouth-at-all-costs. Taking the field, Hairy Kane immediately completed a few dribbles, before the players filed over to break up the party. The dog, being a dog, thought they were just coming to join the fun, of course, and instead went peeling away to the corner flag to celebrate.
Eventually Pup Guardiola was corralled (through the use of a second decoy ball, obviously) and ushered off the pitch, but he wasn’t done there. Sounding off in his post-game press conference about the officiating, Lionel Lassie then mistook the press conference as a fun game of destroy-this-mic-with-my-mouth-at-all-costs and, well, you can guess where things went from there.
Needless to say, the Argentinian Football Federation is expected to hand down a stiff treat fine in the coming days.