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PGA Championship 2019: Tiger Woods pokes bear, says LA is a better sports town than NYC

Philadelphia Phillies v Los Angeles Dodgers, Game 3

Jeff Gross

If you thought the famously rowdy New Yawk golf fans were going to be all aboard the Tiger train this weekend, think again. Nearing the end of his press conference at Bethpage Black on Tuesday, Tiger Woods was asked about his relationship with caddie Joey LaCava. Waxing at length about LaCava's friendship through the years, Woods then shifted gears with a smirk, dropping a juicy little nugget that may yet come back to haunt him:

"Our on course relationship. That's something different. We're very competitive. I believe, and still will always believe, that LA is better than New York in sports...We certainly have that disagreement about every other hole and we have a good time about it."

You can watch the excerpt below beginning at the 25:20 mark:

Given Tiger's matter-of-fact delivery and ear-to-ear grin there's no doubt that he's trolling a little bit here. He's Tiger Woods after all, he's not afraid of anyone, not even a disgruntled MTA employee with a Joba Chamberlain back tattoo. That said, the avowed Dodgers fan is catching New York sports at a fragile time. With memories of the Giants' disastrous draft still fresh in their minds, on Tuesday night the Gotham die-hards will face both their fears and the NBA Draft Lottery, where the Knicks have a 14% of winning the first overall pick and the Zion Williamson sweepstakes by proxy. If the Knickerbockers are pipped to prize by Phoenix, Chicago, or Cleveland (AGAIN!), however, the mood could really sour come Thursday morning and Tiger could find himself squarely in the crosshairs.

So as much we hate to say it, it might be time to add the legendary, Masters-winning fan-favorite to the heckle list of Bethpage's infamous Suicide Squad. Good luck and god speed, Big Cat.