The Genesis Invitational

Torrey Pines Golf Course (South Course)


    Mr. Vegas Bryce Harper sends awesome custom baseball bats to the Golden Knights

    May 03, 2018

    In case you haven't been paying attention, the Las Vegas Golden Knights are pretty good. Like, best expansion team in the history of American sports good. And while this might be news to you, it isn't to former NL MVP, manscaping specialist, and Vegas native Bryce Harper, who is all aboard the Golden Knights hypetrain, CHOO CHOO!

    On Wednesday night, however, Harper took his fandom one step further, sending a slew of custom Golden Knights baseball bats to the team while smacking his first-ever lead-off dinger with his own Knights-branded slugger 3,000 miles away. Fate or completely random happenstance? You bet your ass it was.

    In the end, the Knights got battered by the Sharks 4-0, and the bats did little to even the odds, but it's still comforting to know that despite the money, fame, and social media game, professional athletes are still psychotic, wall-punching fans just like you and me.