The Genesis Invitational

Torrey Pines Golf Course (South Course)


    LA news station puts final nail in Astros coffin with brutal Jose Altuve chyron

    February 13, 2020

    On a scale of one to put-me-in-a-circus-cannon-and-fire-my-lifeless-body-into-the-moon, how sick of hearing about the Astros' sign stealing scandal are you? If you already have one foot in the barrel, you may want to just tap out now. It's been a big day. No one would blame you. But if you have one more story left in the ol' content tank, then allow us to point you in the direction of this incredible chyron KTLA graced Jose Altuve with on Thursday following the Astros' already infamous non-apology apology tour.

    Tough but fair or total low blow? A lot of that probably depends on whether you live in the Houston metro area or not, but it's safe to say La La Land isn't very happy with Altuve and co. right now. Much of the noise around the Astros' cheating scandal has so far been generated by the Yankees and their army of suddenly righteous rules junkies, but you could make an argument that the Dodgers have even bigger grievance. They weren't robbed of a measly pennant by the peak-cheat 'Stros. They got screwed out of the whole dang enchilada.

    If this is ringing any bells for you, it's probably because you remember a poor Pittsburgh PA doing something similar to Tom Brady ahead of Super Bowl LIII . . .

    That particular rebel got himself good and fired, but something tells us there will be no job openings at KTLA as a result of this little stunt. In fact, given everything that's come to light about the Astros (and the bombshells still waiting to drop), a Pulitzer for this lone hero may not yet be out of the question.