Justin Thomas' March Madness streaming HQ will make you green with envy

Gregory Shamus
If you've ever wondered what PGA Pros do on their off weeks (you know, besides grind for their next on weeks), then you're going to love the latest transmission from Justin Thomas' 'gram. JT isn't playing in the Valspar this week, and like any self-respecting guy who is off the clock in mid-March—because of basketball-induced vasectomy or some other equally improbable excuse—he's kicking back for some quality time with the NCAA Tournament. But as Thomas' Instagram Story made abundantly clear on Thursday night, he's doing the whole March Madness thing just a little bit better than you.

This peak inside the Batcave offers an interesting glimpse at the life of one of the last ring-less members of the SB2K crew. There's five TVs, four of which are cooking on the Madnezz while the other keeps Thomas up to date on all the moving and shaking in the FedEx Cup standings. There's the feet, which are up, and the ratty socks, which are on. The shades are drawn, the lights are dimmed, and it's the middle of the day (we know this because Auburn-New Mexico State is taking centerstage, and we at GD watched that while crowded around a laptop at the office yesterday). In other words, he's living the dream...provided mom finishes the meatloaf, of course.

So props, JT. Enjoy your time off and soak in as much Madness as you can. The Masters will be here before you know it, and soon enough there won't be time for basketball, let alone a single solitary thought. In the meantime, if you need pizza or beer or anything, let us know and we'll pick some up on our way over.