Tour Life

European Tour pro posts funny, slightly NSFW video of him practicing in hotel room

March 12, 2021

The best plot twist of 2021 so far isn't in any of the Netflix shows you're currently binging—although, I did NOT see that ending coming in "Behind Her Eyes." But no one saw what was coming in this quick video from a funny European Tour pro.

Allow us to reintroduce you to Marcus Armitage, the man who has gone viral more times than he's won on the European Tour. At least, up to this point. At 33, there's still plenty of time for him to hoist a few trophies.

In the meantime, let's celebrate his sense of humor that led him to share a video of him petting his new golf clubs last year. And now he's shared some more. A lot more. Maybe too much more of himself in this latest, possibly NSFW clip of him practicing his putting in his hotel room. Avert your eyes now if you don't want to see a full MOON:

Thanks for that, Marcus. We guess.

As you can see in the comments, the man known as "The Bullet" had fellow Euro Tour pros from Lee Westwood to Eddie Pepperell rolling in laughter. And his coach, Phil Kenyon, had a great reaction as well:

Cheeky, indeed.