3M Open

TPC Twin Cities

That's LIV-in'

Dustin Johnson nails backflip off a yacht. Next stop: Summer Olympics

With so much uncertainty in the golf world right now, it's nice to know we can always count on one thing - Dustin Johnson living his absolute best life.

Fresh off another team victory for captain DJ's 4Aces in London (can you say, dynasty?), the two-time major champion promptly hopped on a yacht with wife Paulina Gretzky and a few friends and headed for France. Gretzky, naturally, has documented it all on her Instagram story. Seems like a time is being had:


Quite the lifestyle these two have, and they make no apologies for it. You have to respect it. 

Johnson, who just turned 39 a few weeks ago, remains as athletic as ever, as evidenced by the video Paulina posted in one of the most recent frames of her IG story. Check out the FORM on this backflip:

As unbothered as ever. You think he's watching the big Senate hearing on Tuesday? Actually, a better question would be, do you think Johnson has any idea it's happening? We're going to go with no and no. 

By the way, no coincidence that the next Summer Olympics are in (checks notes) Paris, France. Perhaps DJ can do double duty as a member of the U.S. golf squad and diving team. The athlete's athlete.