A For Effort

The guy playing Coach O on 'Young Rock' is so bad that he might actually be good

February 17, 2021

On Tuesday, "Young Rock" premiered on NBC, which you probably didn't even realize unless you don't subcribe to one of the various streaming services that offers an infinite amount of much better content than "Young Rock." The show, a sitcom that is based upon the life of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, ranks very highly on the things-nobody-asked-for list, but there will undoubtedly be enough viewers for it to have a solid run on the peacock. People understandably love The Rock, so much so that even "Ballers" got four seasons on HBO. 

Thanks to the magical place that is Twitter, we'll get to see the highlights/lowlights of the show from people ripping on it. Example No. 1 came Tuesday night, when one Twitter user blessed our timelines with a clip from a scene where a college-aged Rock arrives at the University of Miami to play football. During Rock's time at The U, Ed Orgeron, who is currently the head coach at LSU, was the defensive lineman coach. In the scene you're about to see, the actor portraying Coach O and the actor portraying the Rock meet, and it's ... something: 

This impersonation is, quite literally, so bad that it might actually be good? If you think about it, you can barely understand what this actor is saying, and isn't that sort of Coach O's whole M.O.? In that respect, this impression is perfect. How soon until we get a Coach O spin off with this guy as the star? Not soon enough is the correct answer.