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Even Chris Simms wins on the internet sometimes

There are certain takes that get folks blacklisted on the internet forever. Takes that act as a scarlet letter, where no matter what you say in the future people always go back to "yeah, well, your take on (insert topic) is invalid because you said (insert bad take) that one time." For former NFL quarterback Chris Simms, his scarlet letter take was his top 10 NFL QBs of all time list, which we sufficiently roasted him for last December

This list stinks, and that stench should stay on Simms forever. But the list shouldn't preclude Simms from future internet victories, like the one he had on Monday morning. Last week, Simms had said that the Denver Broncos defense was "average," and that the New England Patriots would "impose their will" on them. Denver wound up putting together a dominant defensive effort, holding New England to 12 points and less than 300 yards, and forcing three turnovers. Understandably, the Broncos Twitter account took the opportunity to dunk on Simms: 

Like any good grudge-holder, Simms kept this clip in the back of his mind all week. Then, after the Kansas City Chiefs hung 43 on Denver on Sunday, Simms fired back with an A+ counter-dunk: 

Atta boy, Chris. Nothing like a good sPonGeboB meMe oFf. We respect the pettiness. Of course, Simms is too nice of a guy and had to clarify that it wasn't all the defense's fault: 

Just take your victory lap dude. No need to cave to the haters.