On whether he considers himself a golfer, or a guy who plays golf:Jimmy Fallon is trying to be a golfer, but right now he's a guy who plays golf. I'm trying my hardest, and I love to play, but if I'm in front of a crowd, I just want to make them laugh.
On playing Tiger Woods in his own video game:That dude does not like to lose or be told what to do. On the second hole he hit the ball, and I said, "Tiger, you know if you just shake the thing and move it forward you can put spin on the ball." He looks at me and says, "Don't tell me how to play my game."
On playing in the Bob Hope Classic in 2008:Let me tell you something, that was a workout. There are a bunch of beautiful homes along the courses in Palm Springs, and I dropped by a bunch of them while we played. I'd say Hi, have the drink of the house and move on to the next shot. I was wasted by the sixth hole! But I kept doing it for 18. And that was Day One.
I look back at these great comedians who had golf tournaments, like Bob Hope and Bing Crosby. They'd goof off, have fun and make some good memories. I'd love to do that. Maybe we can start something here on the East Coast, whether it be in the Hamptons or just outside the city. We need one of those back here.
People who say golf is too hard or too stressful haven't played with me. I don't stress about anything. It's not that hard when you stop thinking about the bad stuff. The other thing I don't do is give you tips while we're playing. You play the way you wanna play, and I'll do my thing.
Golf is my meditation. I have a brain that's always thinking of a thousand ideas at a time. But when I'm on a golf course, it's quiet and I'm not really that talkative.
On how he and his buddies usually play:We'll do closest to the hole on par 3s, and we'll play for a buck or five bucks. But it's totally more about the social. It's almost like therapy. You can complain about stuff, laugh about stuff and clear your head. And you get exercise.
On playing with close friend Justin Timberlake:We've played only once, and it wasn't that long ago. Timberlake and I were watching golf at my house in the Hamptons, and I told him there was a pitch-and-putt down the street. "Wanna go do it?" I asked. And he's like, "Let's go!" So we drove over there, even though it's so close we could've ridden our bikes. And we played nine holes in about 35 minutes. We had so much fun.
Timberlake doesn't know this, but I thought of a good bit. You know how you can personalize your golf balls? Well, I ordered some balls that say J. Timberlake. I'm gonna play all the courses that he plays so when I shank them into the woods, people will find them and think he hit them there.
On whether golf is cool:Golf is totally cool. There are a lot of younger, good-looking people in the game, and the way people look at golf has definitely changed.
On playing golf in Ireland:We had this one crazy, profane caddie at Killarney who kept ribbing us, and I remember thinking, I'm paying this guy for this? So I started ribbing him back, and it became fun again.
Tiger or Phil?I'm a giant Tiger fan. Right now he's hurting, and America loves an underdog. But all of us want to witness history. Besides, Phil had a green in his backyard growing up, and I was jealous of that. I didn't have that.
Caddie or cart?Oh, it's gotta be a cart, right? Driving a cart is so much fun, but I'm a bad driver. My parents are from Brooklyn, so they don't know how to drive. They took cabs and subways everywhere, and they taught me how to drive. As a driver, I'm second-generation terrible.
On what would get his friends to play more golf:My friends would play a lot more if Kate Upton was in our foursome.