You need to see the greatest disc golf shot of all time to believe it
Even to someone who knows nothing about disc golf -- other than the fact George Costanza really wanted to try it in an episode of Seinfeld -- making a 2 on an 850-foot par 5 shot sounded awfully impressive. But wait until you see the 850 feet this disc travelled. The way it bends around and over trees on its way to the hole basket is, well, just watch:
Philo Brathwaite, you are a magician.
The best part of the video might be the flyover of the hole at the beginning. That had to be filmed after Brathwaite's shot, right? Or does the Beaver State Fling get U.S. Open treatment?
Unfortunately for Philo, his albatross wasn't enough to win the tournament as he finished runner-up to Ricky Wysocki (30 under to 33 under... shoot out!). It's OK, Philo. You're still our favorite disc golfer for temporarily disproving Newton's Laws of Motion.