Who do we have to pay to get these soccer-inspired NBA jerseys made?
Remember the World Cup, when America sort of cared about soccer for almost 5 seconds what feels like 100 years ago (but was really just last month)? Well, graphic designer Franco Carabajal is officially here to re-stoke the soccer-loving fire in your soul with these super-clean, footy-inspired NBA kits. Here is The Loop company card. Please, take our money...all of it.
If you like what you see there, make sure to check out Carabajal's entire series, which features a home, away, and alternate for all 15 Western Conference teams. In other news, the Premier League kicks off next weekend and Nike's actual design team is serving up dogs like these...
Just spitballing here, but maybe someone over there at Swoosh HQ should give Carabajal a call.