
Watch Pat McAfee's dad pull off Easter miracle Jenga move

Here's one for all you fans of cricket, curling, darts, skijoring, and other random acts of sports across the globe: A retired NFL punter's father executing a physics-defying, witch-like Jenga move on Easter Sunday. If that doesn't sound like must-watch Twitter on paper, well, just watch:

This, kids, is a lesson in commitment, conviction, and determination—of setting your mind to a thing and making it happen, come hell, high water, and a pesky little thing called gravity. To do it is one thing, however. To do it with style is something else entirely. Let's go to the telestrator:

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Look at the intensity and the wrist action. Absolutely next level stuff from Mr. McAfee. Needless to say, don't try this at home...without a little divine intervention, at least.