'freaking out'

Unbelievably wholesome hole-in-one celebration footage captured by golfer on next tee box

May 01, 2024

The perfect time to make a hole-in-one is when there are only two groups left on the course. It’s not going to get much cheaper than that if you’re buying drinks for everyone at the club, but you'll still have someone there to witness the feat. Just like this golfer, whose heartwarming ace was captured by the group on the next tee box. Safe to say, he owes this cameraman quite a few beverages.

“It was getting pretty close to sunset and had a hard time tracking the ball,” writes Redditor ImHura. “199 yards down hill and my buddy stings the green and it rolls towards the pin to a point where I can’t see it anymore. It looked like it went in and we were freaking out the whole way down to find it in the bottom of the cup. To the man who was at the next tee box, thank you for capturing this moment.”

"It’s funny because we were the last 2 groups still at the course," he continued. "Just our cars were left in the parking lot, would’ve been the cheapest tab ever for an ace 😂"

This celebration at Wildwood’s No. 8 hole is vintage hole-in-one etiquette. A light jog to the cup followed by some shouting and a jumping hug is what it’s all about. The phrase “no way” really says a lot in this instance. Yes, the sport is infuriating and unknowable but every once in a while, you get to rapturously celebrate something that seemed impossible just moments before.

Also, shoutout to the cameraman who sensed an ace and then shifted his phone downwards to let his respective golfers find out what happened for themselves. “I’ll record it just in case” is the move of a true gentleman. May he also celebrate his own hole-in-one sooner rather than later.