Trailer for Queen rock biopic "Bohemian Rhapsody" will kick your can all over the place

No band in the history of recorded music is screams "SPORTS F—K YEAH" quite like Queen. AC/DC, The White Stripes, and even Neil Diamond deserve their respective nods, but no one—not even the Penny Farthing enthusiasts behind "Take Me Out to the Ballgame"—can lay claim to stadium standards like "We Will Rock You", "We Are The Champions", and, umm, "Ogre Fight" (which we're still waiting to break onto UFC playlists across America). Thus it's with ample pyrotechnics and the starting lineups blaring over the PA that we introduce you to Bohemian Rhapsody, the upcoming, Rami Malek-led Freddie Mercury biopic which unveiled its first trailer on Tuesday. DUN, DUN, PSH, DUN, DUN, PSH.
Initial takeaways? Malek, despite looking distractingly like Steven Tyler, seems like a solid choice for the embattled production, which lost both Sacha Baron Cohen and former X-Men director Bryan Singer this fall. While the prospect of watching Borat tackle "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" was certainly intriguing, Mr. Robot GOT PIPES, so no harm, no foul. Bohemian Rhapsody also appears to be nailing the fringey, flowy, sepia-tinged 70s thing, right down to Brian May's handmade guitar and Freddie's one-man-Shakespearean-production costume changes. Otherwise, it looks like standard music biopic fare, with wood-walled studios playing host to all manner of divine inspiration while a portly record exec declares the future smash hit unmarketable (hard cut to cautionary, late second-act tale about the hazards of cocaine).
All in all, however, we're on board and will definitely be plunking down for front-row tickets when Bohemian Rhapsody hits theaters on November, 2nd. In the meantime, here's a little something to whet the whistle: