WM Phoenix Open

TPC Scottsdale (Stadium Course)


    The holy war between kangaroos and golf pins rages on

    March 21, 2018

    Kangaroos and golf don't mix. Never have. Never will. The national symbol of Australia has long waged a holy war on the nation's most prominent export, and this latest case is perhaps the most graphic yet. Viewer discretion is advised:

    So yeah, obviously we're kidding. Not only is there no conscious power struggle between marsupials and an inanimate game, but this video is also pretty damn adorable. We're sure some Aussie version of Carl Spackler was soon on hand to break up the fun, but according to bystander and Noosa Golf Course member Bettina Hammant, it was all pretty innocent, with the little guy simply hopping over to the flag during her round to do his thing.

    Hammant, who is slightly more qualified in the kangaroo department than us on the account of being Australia and all, said she had never seen a Rory McIlroo (sorry, couldn't resist) behave so strangely, attributing the young male's behavior to the fact it is currently kangaroo mating season Down Under. Bow chicka-wow-wow.