3M Open

TPC Twin Cities


Stop hitting that weak fade into the pond down the right side

September 23, 2016

If you don't think slices are still a problem even with the latest in driver technology, take a look in the bags on the carts at your favorite course tomorrow.

More than two-thirds of the adjustable drivers you see will be clicked over to draw bias--to help stop the ball from going to the right.

Technology helps, but you'll get more mileage out of fixing what's making the ball go to the right in the first place. According to Golf Digest 50 Best Teacher Hank Haney, it's mostly because of a bad grip and a steep angle of attack.

"Make your grip stronger, so your hands are turned away from the target and your palms are parallel to each other," says Haney. "Also, gripping it too tight keeps the hands from releasing through impact. Take a soft grip."

The next step? Change the route the club takes to the ball--from over the top to a better inside path.

"Take your normal stance, but instead of soling the clubhead as usual, set it in front of the ball," says Haney. "Make a slow circle with your hands, swinging the club toward the target, continuing over your head and then down and over the ball. Focus only on the loop. As you swing, the club will naturally drop onto a shallower plane as it approaches the ball, and your hands will start to release."

Now, add some shoulder turn to that move you just practiced. Start with the club in front of the ball, then lift it straight up over your head, until your hands are in front of your face. Turn your shoulders back and feel the weight of the clubhead, and swing it through over the ball on the flatter loop you've grooved.

Graduate from swinging over the ball to actually hitting shots using this drill and you're going to see a new sight--the ball coming off the club and going down range with a little draw.