No one is as good at anything as Stephen A. Smith is at dunking on the Dallas Cowboys
When Michael Jordan had the ball down by a point late, you expected him to make the game-winning shot. When Mariano Rivera entered the game in a save situation, you expected him to close the game. When Tom Brady needs to get his team in field-goal position to win the game, you expect him to do just that. And when the Dallas Cowboys season officially ends, you expect Stephen A. Smith to bury them six feet under himself.
Did we just compare a "First Take" host to a few legends of their respective sports? You are damn right we did. That's how good Stephen A. is at dunking on Dallas. Frankly, we'd argue nobody is as good at anything as SAS is at crapping on the Cowboys. On Sunday, he rolled out his patented, nail-in-the-coffin Cowboys rant after Dallas fell to the New York Giants, 23-19, officially ending their season. It was perhaps his finest hour:
The cigar, the cowboy hat, the seemingly fake laugh that actually might be real, the thought of Skip Bayless watching his old partner and screaming at the sky. It's all so perfectly done. Yes, Stephen A. is an act, but that's what makes much of what he does even more impressive. He puts on a show like nobody else in the business. For that he should be applauded, and it's why he's worth every damn penny ESPN pays him. 2.2 million and counting have watched that rant. Over 21,000 have retweeted it, and 105,000-plus have liked it. A true content king.