Ryder Cup 2018: Matching triple(!) bogeys result in ugliest hole in Ryder Cup history

Ross Kinnaird
Johnny Miller said it looked like "the C-flight of a club championship." The foursome involved lost an entire sleeve of golf balls in a pond. In short, it was arguably the ugliest hole in Ryder Cup history. No, really.
Bubba Watson and Webb Simpson made triple bogey on the second hole at Le Golf National during a Saturday afternoon foursomes match. The fact the blowup came on a 135-yard par 3 made it all the more bizarre, but nothing topped the crazy final result. Watson and Simpson wound up halving the hole.
In case you missed it, let's go through all 12 shots required to play a hole barely longer than a football field. First Bubba went in the water. Then Alex Noren went in the water. Then Webb Simpson went in the water from a drop zone prompting Miller to scoff, "You guys know you can hit more club, right?" Then Sergio Garcia narrowly cleared the water, which looked like that would be that. Wrong.
After Bubba finally found the green with his team's fifth shot, Simpson rolled in a 30-footer for the 6. Noren then stubbed a chip, Garcia missed the putt for double, and voila! Triple bogeys all around!
Not surprisingly, there were some great reactions to this epic chop-fest on Twitter:
Again, this was a 135-yard par 3. We'd show you highlights of the hole, but none were posted. Probably because, well, they were anything but highlights. There are vagaries in match play and then there's whatever the heck this was.